When I started this blog almost two years ago (!), I had no real plan, other than to write a short reviews/recommendations for every book I read, which, as I quickly found out, is easier said than done.
Back then, I was only working 20-30 hours a week, and hadn't yet started back to school. Now, I'm full-time, and working on my MLS. My classes require quite a bit of writing, and thus, posting to my blog feels more like homework than a hobby. To add to this, I still love to read, and in what little free time I have, I'd rather be reading than blogging.
So, I put off posting, and then I feel guilty, and then I put it off even more.
Therefore, I think it's time for a change.
Here's the plan. I will post, each week, at least three times:
- Mondays -- a round-up of everything I've read that week, with one sentence annotations, links to other reviews from around the blogosphere, and recommendations of a few similar titles.
- Thursdays -- something technology related. I really enjoyed doing the Web 2.0 posts in the fall, and I'd like to highlight ways in which this "geeky" stuff can be useful to librarians and bloggers.
- Some other time during the week, one longer review of a title I especially enjoyed, or that I feel really warrants commenting (for whatever reason).
To begin this, I'm going to post a series of round-up posts to cover the back-log of titles that I've been meaning to review... starting.... now!
*I don't like calling YA a genre, but there really is no better term.
***picture taken by me at age 5
I love that YOU actually took that picture. It's precious!
Blogging is totally one of those things where, if it's not fun, you definitely need to make a change and make it so. So good luck!
Thanks, Tadmack. The picture pretty much portrays my worldview as a five year old.
And you're definitely right about blogging. There are so many things I enjoy about it, the community, the discussions about books with others who actually like the same types of books, the discovery of titles that I wouldn't have heard of otherwise. It had just gotten to be too much for me for a while, but you know, I'm already happier with it having only just written this post. And I might even post another one tonight!
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