Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 | |

Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix

You know how, when your friends find out that you're a bookworm,* they start telling you about all of their favorite books, and how awesome they are, and how you should definitely read them immediately. And, of course, you're sitting there, smiling and nodding, and thinking about your overflowing bookshelves.

A couple years ago, my boyfriend recommended Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix, and handed me a copy of the book** He's lucky (or perhaps I am), because I happened to be early for work, and it happened to be the only book I had with me, and so, sitting in my car, in the parking lot, I picked it up and read the first 50 pages. After finishing it, I immediately had to read everything else that Margaret Peterson Haddix had ever written, and I devoured the Shadow Children series.

Obviously, then, I was very excited when Uprising appeared on my shelf.

In this novel, Haddix tells the story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire from the perspective of three teenage girls: Bella, an Italian immigrant, and Yetta, a Russian Jewish immigrant, who both work at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and Jane, an upper-class American girl who meets them when she becomes involved in the fight for women's rights. We know from the prologue that only one of the three will survive the fire, but not which one, and this way, the reader still becomes attached to all of the characters***.

Readers will learn about both the tragic fire, and the union strikes that took place several months earlier, and Haddix brings this time period to life through these three characters. There is a bit too much foreshadowing, early on, with fire imagery, and discussions about fire escapes (as if the reader hadn't noticed that there were flames on the cover), but I would still recommend it to fans of historical fiction, and of Haddix's other works.

And the best part.... Margaret Peterson Haddix has three more books coming out this year!!

*Don't deny it. You're reading this. So you must be!

** Don't do this to a bookworm. Especially not one who works in a library. I almost always read library books first, because I have to return them -- so friendly book loans always go to the bottom of the pile.

***I don't know about you, but I don't let myself get attached if I know a specific character is going to die.


tanita✿davis said...

Ooh, I LOVE MPH -- but I definitely don't let myself like characters who are going to die, so not knowing who -- !!! -- it straumatic! (which is apparently stressful AND traumatic). Running Out of Time was the first one of hers I read, too. I'm SO glad she's still writing!

Nicole said...

Hi! I haven't commented since school started (how's it going for you, by the way?) but I definitely want to check this book out. Have you read Ashes of Roses by Mary Jane Auch? It is also about a young girl who experiences the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, and it really left a strong impression on me.

Litabell 2.0 said...

I have not read her books, but for your recommendations I will read them now. Thanks girfriend. I was able to finished the 2.0 and I am gratefull for your help.

Anonymous said...

You have a great blog!!!

Sara said...

Tadmack -- I like the new word, and you know, maybe it's that "straumatic-ness" that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat.

Nicole -- No, I haven't read Ashes of Roses, but I'll definitely have to check it out. And, school is, well, going. My classes this semester are pretty boring, but not too hard. How about yours?

Lita -- Thanks for the comment, and I'm glad it worked for you this time... and I'm really glad you were able to finish 2.0. Let me know how those huge YA books are when you finish them!

Anonymous -- Thank you! Stop by anytime!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this author and found her the same way you did. A suggestion from a friend led to a somewhat skeptical me picking up the first Shadow Children book and it has been that way ever since. I haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of this one yet, but I can't wait to!

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